“Everyone agrees with the fundamental principles – that data belongs to the consumer and not to the organisation,” Imran Gulamhuseinwala told us at the Money20/20 conference in June.
“Then I think we’re going to start looking very much at other products – mortgages, savings accounts,” he says. “Then other products outside of banking – insurance and so on. And if the UK is anything to go by, we’re already having discussions about water, energy, telco, broadband, utilities – the whole gamut.”
4 min read
Pay by Bank offers a solution that addresses the potentially higher transaction fees and fraud risks while enhancing the customer experience for luxury retailers.
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5 min read
We spoke to Nordea Product Manager Sami Mikkonen about enhancing their mobile app using open banking technology, focusing on improving consumer engagement and financial management.
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6 min read
In the second article of this series, we focus on why leading Payment Service Providers (PSPs) – like Adyen and Stripe – are introducing Pay by Bank to their checkout options (and why this is important for their merchants too).
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