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62 Articles
Tink white paper, Banking on engagement


2 min read

Banking on engagement

This Tink white paper introduces new consumer and retail banking executive research from key European markets, setting the scene for banks to take the next step with Personal Finance Management (PFM).

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This image depicts a tablescape from above with a slice of cake, fork, drinking glass and mobile phone, with the phone screen displaying Tink's Variable Spend feature in action.


5 min read

Meet Variable Spend: our latest feature for intelligent expense tracking

Expense tracking can be detailed as well as intuitive – say hello to Variable Spend, a new feature of Tink Data Enrichment designed to help banks offer their customers more insight.

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This image depicts an abstract illustration to convey the concept of a categorisation model that extracts value from account and transactional data, with the aim of resulting in a cleaned data set.


12 min read

Risk decisioning essentials: our latest categorisation model updates to help you get ahead

Confident decisions, top quality reports and going to market faster are just some of the benefits Tink’s new categorisation model has for lenders – deep dive into the world of generative AI, multilingual models, and more with this guide.

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INT_Blog Thomas image


7 min read

Thomas Gmelch - how open banking can change the instant payment experience in Germany

We sat down with Thomas to chat about the challenges facing our customers in Germany,  and how our newly launched Risk Signals product is coming to the rescue.

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Variable Recurring Payments with Tink


1 min read

The ultimate guide for building the future of recurring payments

Variable Recurring Payments, powered by open banking, have huge potential for merchants and consumers in the UK. Read our VRP guide to find out how they work and why they are important.

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INT_Blog Risk Signals blog image


6 min read

Introducing Risk Signals: minimising fraud risk

Tink has launched Risk Signals, a rules-based engine that unlocks instant payment experiences while minimising risk – and already in use by Tink customers like Adyen.

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How to create a winning Pay by Bank user experience


1 min read

How to create a winning Pay by Bank user experience

In this webinar our Tink team of Jaia Lloyd, Varun Atrey and Kevin Ward discuss how Pay by Bank (account to account payments) can vastly improve your user journey and demo how it works.

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Tink's new research: Lending, levelled up


1 min read

Lending, levelled up

Tink's new lending white paper – with fresh research from the UK, France, and Germany – details how to elevate affordability assessments with enriched data, and why it’s more important than ever.

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The ultimate guide for creating a brilliant Pay by Bank user experience


2 min read

The ultimate Pay by Bank UX guide

At Tink, we’re excited about Pay by Bank. Our new, in-depth UX guide tells you how to make the most of this innovative payment solution.

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Tink Loans


7 min read

Introducing Tink Loans – streamline consolidation with our new product

With Loans, lenders and brokers can gain access (with user permission) to applicants’ data within minutes, potentially leading to higher conversion, reduced friction, and a more holistic view of a user's running liabilities.

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Tink Investments


6 min read

Smoother transfers are here with Tink Investments

With our new Investments product, neobrokers and wealth managers can use data-driven open banking to perform investment transfers and net worth consolidation in a quicker, more seamless manner that benefits the consumer too.

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Webinar - lending unlocked - a new era of credit


2 min read

Make smarter risk decisions with our comprehensive new tool

We have introduced a new feature on the Tink Console called Risk Decisioning, which provides a consolidated risk experience to enhance affordability and risk assessments.

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Deep dive into spending with Expense Check categorisation


5 min read

Deep dive into spending with Expense Check categorisation

Improve affordability assessment and loan applicant experiences with Tink Expense Check, using real-time data and smart expense categorisation to improve affordability assessment.

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Optimising open banking experiences for mobile apps


4 min read

Optimising open banking experiences for mobile apps

Tink’s new mobile experience optimises the authentication journey and makes integration quicker and easier. Discover how to optimise your app user experiences with our mobile-first approach.

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Introducing payment logs inside Tink Console


3 min read

Introducing payment logs inside Tink Console

We’re releasing payment logs – a troubleshooting toolkit within Tink Console that allows you to see the current status of a payment and get more details if and when something goes wrong.

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Meet Data Enrichment: the engine that elevates your banking app


4 min read

Meet Data Enrichment: the engine that elevates your banking app

Tink launches Data Enrichment, a new product giving banks the speed and flexibility to innovate digital banking apps, engage customers with PFM and keep them coming back.

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How Money Manager helps you boost customer loyalty


6 min read

How Money Manager helps you boost customer loyalty

Personalisation is essential to engaging customers and building loyalty for banking apps. Tink’s Money Manager has the features to help.

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Enabling smoother direct debits with balance check


5 min read

Balance Check

Reducing fraud and failed payments just got easier. Learn how balance check is increasing operational efficiency and reducing chargebacks.

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Instant refunds and withdrawals have arrived


5 min read

Instant refunds and withdrawals are here

Tink’s payments upgrade adds instant refunds and withdrawals, letting businesses across Europe issue payouts that settle in less than one second.

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Instantly verify income with Income Check – now with new features


4 min read

Instantly verify income with Income Check – now with new features

To help businesses make informed and accurate decisions when assessing applications, we’ve made it even easier for them to instantly verify an applicant’s income with the use of granular, up-to-date data. All with just a few simple clicks.

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How evolving digital expectations are creating new opportunities for banks


5 min read

How evolving digital expectations are creating new opportunities for banks

With Tink’s Data Enrichment, banks gain access to enriched and personalised consumer spending insights – enabling them to better support their customers’ digital needs. 

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Under the hood: building a new Tink product


4 min read

Under the hood: building a new Tink product

We look under the hood to find out how the Tink tech team tackles the challenges of building our latest lending product, Expense Check – a feature that allows you to assess affordability with facts rather than assumptions.

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Improved affordability assessments with Expense Check


5 min read

Improved affordability assessments with Expense Check

Tink’s new product Expense Check enables lenders to accurately assess applicant’s affordability with open banking. With real-time, granulated expense data, lenders can check the applicant’s creditworthiness in a matter of minutes.

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Get ready for better digital affordability assessments


2 min read

Get ready for better digital affordability assessments

How open banking can help simplify and improve digital affordability assessments.

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Introducing settlement accounts for simpler instant bank payments


6 min read

Settlement accounts

Tink launches settlement accounts for simpler instant bank payments to speed up settlement times and reduce the risk of fraud. First launch in collaboration with UK crypto exchange, Solidi. Find out how it can help reduce friction in your business.

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Get to know the tech behind better risk assessments


4 min read

Get to know the tech behind better risk assessments

Open banking can help make better informed risk decisions – but access to data is just a part of the puzzle. Find out why quality account aggregation and data enrichment are the foundations of a standout risk assessment process.

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Business Account Check


4 min read

Verify corporate account ownership in real time with Business Account Check

No more manual and inefficient onboarding processes: with Business Account Check, your customers can verify a business bank account with just a few clicks – for a better onboarding and a safer payout setup.

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Introducing customisable logos and desktop layout in Tink Link


4 min read

Introducing customisable logos and desktop layout inside Tink Link

Tink Link's new customisable headers blend into your authentication flow and make the customer journey more cohesive. The new desktop layout provides a better user experience with increased readability and accessibility.

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Introducing a new no-code integration for Tink Link


4 min read

Introducing a new no-code integration for Tink Link

Integrating Tink's products just got easier with an option that lets you skip having to write code. Here’s what you need to know about the new feature – Standalone Tink Link – and some of the improvements that come with it.

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Product analytics inside Tink Console


7 min read

Performance analytics

The Tink Console has a hot new feature: get deeper insights into how your open banking flows are performing in almost real time, including overall completion rates, conversion at different steps and drop offs or errors per bank.

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Guide Account Verification


1 min read

Guide to account verification solutions

Learn all about the most common account verification methods used today, why they don’t always meet today’s digital customers’ expectations – and how you can use open banking to provide a faster, safer, and simpler solution.

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Improve risk assessment and application processes with data-driven Risk Insights


6 min read

Improve risk assessment and application processes with data-driven Risk Insights

Creating detailed risk profiles can be hard. But we have a new product to solve that. Find out how Tink’s Risk Insights is giving lenders more information to go on – while also improving the application process for consumers.

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Why UX is crucial – and how you can improve performance with Tink


5 min read

Why UX is crucial – and how you can improve performance with Tink

Is your Tink integration providing the best possible user experience? After working with customers to improve performance, we’ve identified small UX changes that can make a big difference. And we created a guide to help out.

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The benefits of tapping into business account data with Business Transactions


5 min read

The benefits of tapping into business account data with Business Transactions

New product alert: with Tink’s Business Transactions, you can easily and safely access real-time transaction data from business accounts. Here’s how it works, and some of the most common challenges it can help solve.

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Inside Tink: getting top model performance for Income Check


8 min read

Inside Tink: getting top model performance for Income Check

How do you improve a classification model to sort out what’s an income and what isn’t? Tinker Ida Janér reveals how data scientists in the Risk team embraced confusion and took in regional differences to optimise performance.

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Inside Tink: changing our approach to outlier detection


8 min read

Inside Tink: changing our approach to outlier detection

Learn how data scientists in Tink’s Enrichment Categorisation team improved categorisation results by changing their approach to detecting outliers. Tinker Eliisabet Hein gets into the technical details and takes us through the change.

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Instantly verify customers’ income with Income Check


5 min read

Instantly verify customers’ income with Income Check

Most income verification methods used today cause friction and delay in the application process, and they’re not even that reliable. Here’s how open banking lets this process finally catch up with the digital age.

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How you can extract the real value from financial data using Transactions


5 min read

How you can extract the real value from financial data using Transactions

What makes Tink’s Transactions product so special? Besides letting you access real-time transaction data from more than 3,400 banks across Europe, it cleans up and unifies the data, so you can immediately put it to use.

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Account Check Webinar


1 min read

Start verifying accounts in less than 12 minutes

Learn how you can set up Tink’s Account Check to confirm the owner of a bank account by fetching real-time data from banks. This video walkthrough takes you through the entire setup process – and it’s all done in 12 minutes.

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Instantly verify customers’ account information with Account Check


5 min read

Instantly verify customers’ account information with Account Check

Get to know Tink’s new product, Account Check. Here’s how it can speed up and simplify the account verification process, providing an easier onboarding and setup for direct debit and payouts.

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Build with Tink #1 - Replay


1 min read

Get up and running with Tink

Want to get a glimpse into Tink’s tech? Find out just how quick and easy it is to test, build and launch new experiences

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PFM on the Tink Console


4 min read

DIY PFM: personal finance management now available on the Tink Console

Offering personal finance management is a must for any financial service. Here’s how customers can manage their own PFM experience using the Tink console – complete with custom configurations and usage reports.

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Background refresh - Tink


4 min read

Background refresh: the secret weapon behind powerful financial apps

Continuous access to customers' financial data helps you give users more powerful and relevant services without them having to lift a finger. And you can start building right away.

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Lightbulb illustration


5 min read

Actionable insights: your customers' personal finance coach

Financial institutions across Europe are under pressure to deliver increasingly sophisticated services that simplify how people manage their money. Actionable insights can help make this a reality by enabling you to give customers a truly personal experience, which drives engagement, increases trust and boosts sales - all while helping people be smarter with their money. This is how it works.

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6 min read

Build a custom PFM experience – and fast – with Tink’s SDKs

In digital banking, personal finance management (PFM) is a key contributor to customer engagement. If you can be the go-to place for customers to manage their finances, that can easily turn into increased loyalty – and sales. With Tink’s PFM SDKs, making PFM happen doesn’t need to be a massive undertaking. You can get up in running in a few hours, saving developer time and getting to market quicker.

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Henry Kupty (left) and Jon Nilsson (right)


6 min read

Talking with Tinkers: how to build the PFM of tomorrow

How do you build the future of financial services? We had a chat with Tinkers Jon Nilsson and Henry Kupty from the finance management team to learn more about how they work to transform financial data into delightful user experiences.

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4 min read

Lifting the lid on the tech that powers enhanced credit scoring

In part one and two of this series, we looked at the 'what' and the 'why' of enhanced credit scoring, discussing the benefits to consumers and businesses. In this third and final piece we dive into the ‘how’ – showcasing the tech behind the solution.

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Evo bank + Tink logos


4 min read

How EVO Banco is improving their mobile offering with multi-banking

Spanish digital bank EVO is obsessed with making life easier for their customers. A big part of that mission is creating a first-class mobile experience, and so they are always looking out for new tech and developing new features to bring more convenience to the EVO banking app. One of their most recent additions is a multi-banking feature built on top of Tink’s tech.

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Map of the world


2 min read

Keeping track of 2,500+ data sources

At Tink we’re big believers in doing things at scale. Full data coverage across all European markets is the mission, but, somewhat unsurprisingly, it’s not without its complications. 

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Build with Tink 4


6 min read

Using Tink Link to easily connect end users to their banks

This is the fourth piece in our ‘Build with Tink’ series, where we go through the Tink platform. Now we’ll put the spotlight on Tink Link, a tool that simplifies end-user authentication so you can easily and safely connect to over 2,500 European banks.

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France map


2 min read

Expanding the Tink platform into France

Advancing on our quest to provide a pan-European open banking ecosystem, we’re launching the Tink platform in France. This lets local businesses, banks and developers access financial data from some of the country’s largest financial institutions to offer French consumers the next generation of personalised and data-driven services.

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Build with Tink 2


7 min read

Build your first app on the Tink Console

This is the third piece in our ‘Build with Tink’ series, where we are laying out you all you need to know to start building with Tink's platform. Here we’ll go into how you can build and launch a service using the Tink Console.

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Build with Tink


5 min read

Tink Console: your command centre for building and launching data-driven services

This is the second piece in our ‘Build with Tink’ series, where we’ll tell you all you need to know to start using Tink's platform. Here we describe the Tink Console – the admin tool that enables you to use our technology to test, build and launch data-driven services.

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Italy and Portugal maps


4 min read

Launching our platform in Italy and Portugal – with instant access to 40 million consumers

As part of our European expansion, we are launching our open banking platform in Italy and Portugal. Any local business, bank or developer can access the financial data of tens of millions of consumers – and offer personalised and data-driven services to meet their evolving demands. In the dynamic Italian market, we are also announcing the opening of our Milan office.

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Portugal map


2 min read

Tink enters Portugal – opening the data floodgates to 20 banks

With our arrival in Portugal we’re giving developers access to financial data from 20 Portugese banks – and the tools to test, build and launch new services on top of the enriched data.

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Build with tink


6 min read

Build with Tink: how everyone can use financial data to build better services

This is the first piece in our series, where we’ll tell you all you need to know to start using Tink’s platform. We’ll describe our full toolkit, share success stories, and show you how to quickly get started – so you can use financial data to build world-changing services too. 

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Simplify onboarding 2


4 min read

How our technology enables simpler onboarding

A key to simple onboarding is removing any unnecessary friction in your user journey. Tink can help do that by automatically filling in forms for customers, so they can skip the manual work and get started more quickly. Our solution uses account aggregation to retrieve the relevant data straight from their banks – and it can be easily implemented in a matter of minutes.

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Simplify onboarding


3 min read

One simple way to improve your onboarding

Customers’ first steps inside your service are critical. Asking them to fill in lengthy online applications in order to get started can lead many of them to abandon your offering – and perhaps go explore a competitor’s. Tink’s autofill solves this by fetching the information straight from the customers’ bank accounts and automatically filling it in, making for a more seamless experience – and higher conversion rates.

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Netherlands map


3 min read

The Tink platform goes live in the Netherlands

Since we first set foot in the Netherlands, it’s blossomed into a leading hub for financial innovation. The open banking movement will only reinforce this trend. So we’re thrilled to go live with the Tink platform and let Dutch businesses build game-changing financial services using PSD2 APIs. 

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Smartphone Laptop Demo


4 min read

What we learned from demoing 50 prototypes in less than a year

In the last year, we’ve learned the power of “show, not tell”. We built 50 prototypes to show 50 prospective customers what they could do with our tech – and we learned a few things along the way. The biggest lesson? How the right demo can distill a three-hour sales meeting into just 15 minutes.

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2 min read

Tink delivers one of users’ most sought after PFM features

Tink is taking PFM into the future with the split transactions feature. On the surface, it could seem like an incremental step forward – a new feature that many consumers have requested. But for any banking or fintech partner who wants to offer their customers personalised advice that’s accurate and relevant – it’s an absolute must.

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6 min read

Why your competition is turning to fintechs for categorisation

More banks are building personal finance management (PFM) features into their mobile banking solutions – spend monitoring, budgeting tools and charts that detail spending in different categories.

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