Your command centre for building and launching data-driven services

5 min read|Published December 11, 2019
Build with Tink

This is the second piece in our ‘Build with Tink’ series, where we’ll tell you all you need to know to start using Tink’s platform. Here we describe the Tink Console – the admin tool that enables you to use our technology to test, build and launch data-driven services.

The Tink Console provides access to our open banking platform on demand. Any enterprise, bank or developer can use this admin interface to create data-driven customer experiences – by leveraging our connectivity to 250 million European bank customers. The Console’s various tools also allow businesses to quickly launch, iterate and scale their service.

Open banking gives consumers control of their financial data, and it creates a new playing field – one that allows any business to use this data to build the next generation of services. 

We built the Tink Console to allow innovators everywhere to realise this opportunity. It acts as a command centre, providing the documentation and resources necessary to connect to more than 2,500 European banks through one API.

Whether it’s testing out a business idea or launching a service in just days–the Console is where you can control how Tink’s technology underpins and interacts with your service – and your end users.

Tink console

A launchpad for data-driven services

Close to 4,000 businesses have already signed up for the Tink Console – from large-scale enterprises to two-man startups. And many of them have used it to build, launch, and then manage their own personalised and data-driven services.

Some businesses are using the platform to power entirely new business models – from helping people make better investment decisions, to improving credit scoring processes using real-time financial data. By using the connectivity of our API, they can streamline their open banking work without committing extensive developer resources.

Others are using the Console to make small (but important) improvements to their existing services and provide a better user experience – like process. They can then use the analytics tools available with the Console to keep track of performance, and see how many users complete the signup or onboarding flows.

Test, build and expand your ideas

The possibilities that come with access to financial data are many. To ensure that anyone can start building the next generation of services – and to do it in an agile way – we’ve made our platform openly available.


Whether you’re a product owner in a startup or a developer in a major bank, you can sign up for free – and explore the type of financial data we offer, or test the ease of integration with our API. 

You can launch your first test app in a simple, three-step process. You can create an entirely new proof-of-concept – all in a matter of hours. Or you can also use our platform to scale your product or service abroad.

Danish challenger bank Lunar is an example. They use account aggregation to let users see all their different bank accounts in one overview, and leveraged Tink’s coverage (across 12 markets and growing) to seamlessly scale their service across the Nordics.

By using the Console, Lunar can continuously configure and monitor our technology inside their app – for instance by adding or removing access to the financial institutions their users can connect to.

Letting you focus on your core business

In our quest to offer a one-stop-shop for financial data, we’re constantly developing the Console. We have a bunch of new features in the pipeline for 2020, with plans to make a wider range of our products configurable (looking at you, PFM) and add new reporting features. All to make building with our technology as simple as possible.

working dev

Even though we designed Console as a self-service interface, we’re always here to offer support if things get tricky. Here’s what one of our customers – the CEO of Ebbel  – had to say about working with the Tink Console:

‘The best aspect of Tink’s API has been the extremely informative and helpful documentation. The support team has also been very efficient in providing assistance to any questions that we’ve had along the way. We were up and running with Tink’s API in a week, leaving us time to focus on the development of our own algorithm.’

This feedback captured our ultimate aim with the Tink Console: to enable and fast-track your product development – and help you embrace the open banking opportunity full on.

Read the next article in this series to learn how you can quickly build services with the Tink Console.

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