Banking just got a whole lot easier with BNP Paribas Fortis

2 min read|Published February 22, 2020
BNP Paribas Fortis App

Last week BNP Paribas Fortis enabled their app users holding accounts at other banks to get a full financial overview in the Easy Banking App. This means that users can now view their account balance and real-time transactions from Belfius, ING and KBC without having to jump between different interfaces – ultimately making their lives easier.

We have been working with BNP Paribas Fortis to aggregate a broad range of financial data, including current and savings accounts, to propel the development of its Easy Banking App. By having a complete financial picture, the bank gets the ability to deliver more personalised insights to their end users – and can offer them better financial products than they might currently have with another provider. Our partnership also aims to increase mobile engagement and user retention by removing the obstacles for those who manage their finances in several different places.

BNP Paribas

Users of the Easy Banking App can now view their accounts, balances and transactions in real-time.

Currently one in four users of the Easy Banking App have an account with another provider. More banks will be added in the coming months, and services such as making payments and more Personal Finance Management tools will also be integrated into the app. All of this delivers on the ambition of BNP Paribas Fortis to offer users a better customer experience and enable better financial management.

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