Our agreements

Master Service Agreement (MSA)

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Data Processing Addendum (DPA)

Other relevant documentation

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

Our EULA:s are the agreements that consumers accepts when we provision services to them. You can find our latest terms and conditions for Sweden and United Kingdom online and if you need a copy of the EULAs for any other local market then please reach out to contact@tink.com.

Tink Germany

The following end-user terms & conditions apply for services provided by Tink Germany GmbH:

  • General Terms and Conditions for the Use of Account Information Services - risk (Deutsch; English)

  • General Terms and Conditions for the Use of Account Information Services (Deutsch; English)

  • General Terms and Conditions for the Use of Payment Initiation Services (Deutsch; English)

Variations of these terms & conditions can exist in relation to services that Tink Germany GmbH provides to certain merchants. Please reach out to contact@tink.com if you are uncertain about which terms & conditions apply for your use.