The potential for VRP to change the face of consumer payments as we know it, is real. The Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) completed its consultation phase on VRP and Sweeping three years ago. Since then there’s been quite a lot happening, and things are starting to get exciting.
In this guide we get to the heart of what exactly VRP is – and how it’s different to the recurring payments already in use – as well as hearing from Tink’s Andrew Boyajian, one of the leading industry voices on this topic.
More specifically, you will learn about:
How VRPs work (and where they’ve come from)
The difference between sweeping VRP and commercial VRP
The issues faced by consumers and how merchants can solve for them
Commercial VRP vs. direct debits
Use cases, including smart meter billing
The future and industry development
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Reaching financial goals can be daunting – so we’ve updated Savings Goals, a feature of Tink Money Manager designed to help banks empower customers to proactively save and achieve financial wellness.
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This Tink white paper introduces new consumer and retail banking executive research from key European markets, setting the scene for banks to take the next step with Personal Finance Management (PFM).
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Expense tracking can be detailed as well as intuitive – say hello to Variable Spend, a new feature of Tink Data Enrichment designed to help banks offer their customers more insight.
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